Top 10 Ways People Exploit AI to Make Money

Man counting AI earned money


In the pursuit of wealth, one cardinal rule stands tall: time is money! In today’s fast-paced digital age, leveraging technology to streamline processes and maximize productivity has become paramount. Therefore, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the revolutionary force reshaping industries and economies worldwide. From automating tasks to creating complex algorithms, it offers a lot of opportunities for entrepreneurs to capitalize on. In this article, we’ll unveil the top 10 controversial, but yet profitable, ways people exploit AI to make money.

1. Writing Books with AI and Selling on Amazon

Imagine crafting a masterpiece without lifting a pen! Basically, with AI-powered writing tools, authors can conceptualize, draft, and refine books in record time. Furthermore, by applying the vast capabilities of AI, writers can cater to niche markets, ensuring a steady flow of royalties. For example, utilizing Amazon’s print-on-demand service, authors can publish their creations hassle-free, eliminating inventory costs and maximizing profits. Additionally, there are already examples of entirely AI-created books selling thousands of copies.

Potential Earnings: $1,000 – $10,000 per month.

2. Generating and Selling AI Images

From breathtaking landscapes to quirky illustrations, AI-generated images are in high demand across digital platforms. By leveraging AI-powered image generators, entrepreneurs can create an endless array of visuals to cater to diverse clientele. Whether selling individual images or offering subscription-based services, the potential for substantial earnings is boundless. With prices varying from 10 cents to $10 per image, selling a few hundred pieces per month could be a nice side earning.

Potential Earnings: $500 – $5,000 per month.

3. Writing Articles with AI and Selling as a Freelancer

Freelancers rejoice! With AI-driven content creation tools, churning out high-quality articles has never been easier. By making use of AI’s efficiency, freelancers can boost their output, catering to the insatiable demand for online content. Whether writing blog posts, product descriptions, or SEO articles, artificial intelligence empowers freelancers to monetize their writing prowess effectively.

Potential Earnings: $3,000 – $7,000 per month.

4. Building Websites with Artificial Intelligence

Gone are the days of painstakingly coding websites from scratch! With AI-powered website builders, entrepreneurs can design stunning web platforms with minimal effort. By offering web development services to businesses and individuals, AI enthusiasts can finally capitalize on the growing demand for an online presence. While building a website could initially pose a challenge for those not familiar with the technology, investing a few weeks in learning could lead to the ability to create AI-driven web pages.

Potential Earnings: $2,000 – $8,000 per month.

5. Completing Text Check and Edit Tasks with AI

Undoubtedly, attention to detail is key in the realm of content creation! AI-powered proofreading tools enable individuals to meticulously edit text with unparalleled accuracy. By offering editing services to authors, bloggers, and businesses, aspiring editors can monetize their keen eye for detail and linguistic finesse.

Potential Earnings: $1,500 – $5,000 per month.

6. Creating Code with Artificial Intelligence

Unlock the power of automation with AI-generated code! By leveraging algorithms, developers can expedite the coding process, delivering efficient solutions to clients across various industries. Whether developing mobile apps, software applications, or website plugins, AI-driven coding tools empower developers to monetize their programming prowess effectively.

Potential Earnings: $2,500 – $10,000 per month.

7. Analyzing Data with AI and Selling Summaries

Obviously, we could say that data is the new currency in the digital age! By using AI for data analysis, entrepreneurs can derive valuable insights from vast datasets. By offering data summarization services to businesses and researchers, individuals can monetize their analytical skills and domain expertise effectively. While it could be challenging to find clients initially, once you enter this industry, the earnings are guaranteed.

Potential Earnings: $3,000 – $8,000 per month.

8. Performing Mathematical Calculations with AI

Presently, we could say goodbye to manual number crunching! With AI-powered mathematical tools, individuals can solve both complex equations and algorithms with ease. By offering mathematical consulting services to students, researchers, and businesses, mathematicians can monetize their problem-solving abilities effectively.

Potential Earnings: $2,000 – $6,000 per month.

9. Developing Mobile Apps with Artificial Intelligence

Tap into the lucrative world of mobile applications with AI integration! By harnessing algorithms, developers can enhance both app functionality and user experience, catering to evolving consumer demands. Whether creating gaming apps, productivity tools, or lifestyle applications, AI-driven mobile apps hold immense potential for profitability. Especially if your app could save time and money for users, you are guaranteed to hit the jackpot.

Potential Earnings: $5,000 – $15,000 per month.

10. Translating Texts with ChatGPT and Selling Translations

Unquestionably, ChatGPT is breaking down language barriers. Translators can accurately translate texts across multiple languages with both unprecedented speed and precision. Furthermore, by offering translation services to businesses, publishers, and individuals, multilingual enthusiasts can monetize their linguistic proficiency effectively. This is especially effective for rare languages such as Asian or Scandinavian languages where a decent translation could be paid really well.

Potential Earnings: $2,500 – $7,000 per month.

Money, earned with AI, falling on a laptop.


In summary, the combination of AI technology and entrepreneurial spirit has created numerous income opportunities across various fields. When used responsibly, artificial intelligence can help streamline processes, boost efficiency, and open up new avenues for earning money. However, it’s important to note the ethical considerations while exploiting this potential for financial gain. So, why not explore how this could contribute to your financial success, while ensuring it’s done ethically?