CRAM Memory: Transforming AI Efficiency and Energy Consumption

CRAM producing factory


The global surge in artificial intelligence (AI) computations is driving data centers to consume unprecedented amounts of electricity. The integration of AI in products by major companies like Google and Microsoft is contributing to soaring emissions, primarily due to the energy consumption of their data centers and supply chain emissions. Sustainable solutions, such as flexible computing in AI data centers, are being explored to mitigate this issue. Researchers at the University of Minnesota have developed an innovative solution aimed at significantly reducing AI’s growing energy demands. This breakthrough technology, known as Computational Random Access Memory (CRAM), promises exceptional energy efficiency, potentially revolutionizing the AI industry.

The CRAM Memory Breakthrough

A Paradigm Shift in Computing

Traditional computers rely on the decades-old von Neumann architecture, which separates processors and memory, requiring constant data transfers that consume substantial energy. The CRAM memory developed by the Minnesota team overturns this model by performing computations directly within the memory itself. This is achieved using spintronic devices called Magnetic Tunnel Junctions (MTJs).

How CRAM Memory Works

Unlike conventional chips that store data using electrical charges, spintronic devices exploit the spin of electrons. This method offers a more efficient alternative to transistor-based chips, paving the way for enhanced energy performance in AI applications.

Unprecedented Energy Savings

In simulations, CRAM technology has demonstrated staggering energy savings of up to 2500 times compared to current methods. This remarkable efficiency stems from eliminating energy-intensive data transfers between logic and memory. Furthermore, by performing computations directly within the memory array, CRAM can be reconfigured to best meet the performance needs of various AI algorithms.

The Impact of CRAM Memory on AI

Addressing AI’s Energy Appetite

The International Energy Agency predicts that global electricity consumption for AI training and applications could more than double, from 460 terawatt-hours in 2022 to over 1000 terawatt-hours by 2026. This is nearly equivalent to the total electricity usage of Japan. CRAM’s potential to drastically reduce energy consumption is crucial as AI’s energy demands continue to rise.

Flexible and Scalable AI Solutions

CRAM’s energy efficiency makes it a highly adaptable digital computational substrate within memory. This flexibility allows it to support a diverse array of AI algorithms, ensuring optimal performance across different applications. As researchers continue to refine and scale this technology, CRAM could become a cornerstone in the development of energy-efficient AI systems.

Historical Context and Future Prospects

The Journey to CRAM Memory

The foundations of this breakthrough were laid over two decades ago by Professor Jian-Ping Wang’s pioneering work on MTJ nanodevices for computation. Despite initial skepticism, the Minnesota team persevered, building on patented research to create Magnetic Random Access Memory (MRAM), which is now used in smartwatches and other systems.

Overcoming Challenges

As with any groundbreaking technology, CRAM faces challenges related to scalability, manufacturing, and integration. The researchers are already planning demonstration collaborations with semiconductor industry leaders to help bring CRAM to commercial reality.

Factory for producing electricity.


The development of CRAM represents a significant leap forward in AI technology. By offering unprecedented energy efficiency, CRAM has the potential to transform the AI industry, addressing the growing energy demands of AI applications and paving the way for more sustainable and scalable AI solutions. As the technology continues to evolve, it will be exciting to see how CRAM influences the future of AI and computing.